Library Hours
Welcome to Lester's Media Center!
Mrs. Rhodes looks forward to helping all students: Find books that they enjoy reading! Find material they need to help them in class! To be able to use the reading computer programs at Lester!
Library Media Specialist
Mrs. Cheryl Rhodes
Library Media Assistant
Mrs. Martina McKenzie
Yellow Dot: 0.5-1.5
Lime Green Dot: 1.6-2.0
Orange Dot: 2.1-2.5
Pink Dot: 2.6-3.0
Red Dot: 3.1-3.5
Blue Dot: 3.6-4.0
Green Dot: 4.1-4.5
Red Star: 4.6-5.0
Blue Star: 5.1-5.5
Green Star: 5.6-6.0
Silver Star: 6.1-6.5
Gold Star: 6.6 and higher